Friday, March 23, 2012

Remy's Poached Liver with Blueberries Recipe

Remy's Favorite Poached Liver And Blueberries Recipe For Dogs For those who know me, know I love my dogs, and I love cooking. I have done a lot of research in regards to health benefits of vitamins and diet for dogs. So I decided to share one of our dogs favorite recipes its Poached Liver and Blueberries.
Here is what you will need. 1 1/4 cup of raw fresh blueberries 320 grams of Liver 1 1/4 cup of raw from frozen Peas 1 Medium Potato boiled in skin 3/4 cup Plain Low Fat Yogurt Thaw frozen peas Poach liver until cooked and dice finely, do not over cook meat or you will loose the full nutrients. Boil potato until soft and then mash coarsely Pulse blueberries and peas Mix in the yogurt and stir all ingredients together Your dog will love this! I also make sure that my dogs each get a Opti Omega 3 fish oil every day as well as a Pro biotic pill! You can also use 1 cup of rice or quinoa in replacement of the potato. I personally love blueberries and my step daughter eats them by the carton. The thing is, we all know how good blueberries are for us. The base for all of the blueberries health benefits are in fact that they are extremely rich in Antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important to our body because they help support overall health and immune system. Blueberries will boost your dogs Immune System. The antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, anthocyanin, copper, iron, selenium, and zinc contain in blueberries help boost the body’s immune system so enable the body to fight against viral and bacterial infections.Blueberries are packed with Anthocyanin, a pigment responsible for the dark blue color of the blueberries.
This powerful antioxidant help neutralize free radicals that can lead to cancer and other age-related diseases. Blueberries are probably the best brain food of all because they increase the potential of neuron signals, protect brain against oxidative stress and reduce the age-related memory problems, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found that a diet that includes blueberries significantly improve memory and brain functions. Nutrients contain in blueberries has proved helpful in enhancing and maintaining people’s eyesight. Blueberries are great source of Vitamin A which is an essential nutrient for maintaining good eyesight. One of the blueberries health benefit is their ability to lower cholesterol levels naturally. Recent research shows that a compound in blueberries prove to lower cholesterol as effectively as prescription drugs but without side effects.Prevent Heart Disease. Blueberries have the ability to keep cholesterol levels under control, thus improve heart health. The presence of antioxidants and fiber content makes this fruit a natural food supplement to prevent heart disease. Several Compounds in blueberries such as Ellagic Acid and Pterostilbene are known for their cancer prevention and healing properties. Laboratory study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that phenolic compounds in blueberries can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation. Blueberries help to improve digestion. Blueberries have been shown to have a positive impact on aging. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of blueberries build a protective layer around the brain to fight the signs of aging and deterioration.

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